Sunday, September 13, 2009

A new step

Almost dinner time, sunday. What a productive past two weeks. Mixture of school, friends, and oh yaa getting two metal screws drilled out of your hip :) joy! Crazy as it sounds, I dont think I would want to start off a school year anyother way. I like to give things meanings in life, everything is meant to be the way it happens. Like getting my screws out, they were meant to come out to give me smooth walkingggg, and because their job was dont, but they were also put in for a reason too. For that time in my life they were meant to hold that part of me together. Yes, they were in there for a full year and it took quite a bit of adjusting to do, but they werent meant to stay in forever. Once rebirth of bone was done fusing, they needed to come out. Like training wheels they gave me confidence by keeping me up, strong. But once they came out I was able to stay up strong on my own, wobbly at first just becuase it was a change. My crutch is there like my friends helping me along the new way to stride I feel so estatic! No more metal, it really is all me now! No longer will i need to rely on any other entity, but me. Not only in my hip but in my life and future to come :).